1. What is your role, as it seems new in the market?

Ans – we are team of neuro education consultant and psychotherapist. We do research in neuroeducation to build to bridge between knowing information and doing information. we provide customised solutions to the problems of whole education system.

2. What is your process of consultancy?

Ans. – we followed following process. 1. Exploring your present situation, 2. Diagnosing the problem (which are superficial level), 3. Designing tools, skills, strategy and state 4. Taking feedback about what is working and what is not working?. 5. Diagnosing the problem again (deep level problems), 6. Redesigning the tools, skills, strategy and state, 7. Taking feedback and so on.

3. What is the guarantee of success?

Ans – there are multiple answer to these question. 1. Guarantee is given to only tangible product and not intangible, as you will get result after some time. Even then we give guarantee, if your purpose and outcome is clear and you give continuous feedback to our strategy. 2. Second, we never asked guarantee from education, medical or legal etc. industry as their professional role/expertise is established. You can asked guarantee about our professional expertise. 3. Our process of coaching and consultancy is guaranteed e.g. coaches in the sports are having guaranteed process of training, afterward it depends upon the player, how committedly he follows the path. Likewise, your success and failure is completely depend upon how committedly you give us feedback about what is working for you and what is not?

4. Your price is too high.

Ans - simple answer is compare to whom is our price high. Because whatever we are consulting is customised solution to your holistic problem of education system. Check our process of consultancy.

5. How much time will be required for your sessions?

Ans – it at all depends upon how fast students learn the subject and then execute it. i.e. how fast students reduces the learning quotient and performance quotient of student. How, committedly he gives us feedback about what is working for him and what is not working.
Our experience are saying it takes one session to up to 10 sessions to get the breakthrough in quantum learning.

6. Could you show us the process now?

Ans – you cannot ask surgeon, you show us, how you do operation first then we will take the decision. As ours is subjective process and varies as per the personality and psychology of our clients, we cannot show you the process. We will request you to have detailed enquiry about our process of sessions.